The Administration Office, which can be accessed from the aforementioned door at the top-left of the map. ATTR_BLK settings are not actual palettes but rather attribute settings and they appear black, so they won't be documented. Game Genie codes ?9-A8B-91B + ?69-A7B-B31 will load any of these unused palettes. There are several other unused palettes that may be leftovers from Gold and Silver. It is worth noting that music was planned to play on the error message screen that appears as load functions are present.
To enable the Super Game Boy features on real hardware or on an emulator, use the Game Genie code 031-46F-E6A (note that because the Super Game Boy checks for the bit after booting, you must first power it up with any game that has Super Game Boy enhancements inserted into the Game Genie, then insert the Pokémon Crystal cartridge with the Game Genie to see the hidden features). It is a leftover from the Japanese Gold version in all releases given that the border does not fit well with Crystal, it was likely that it was never intended to be used at all. It can be enabled by setting the flag at offset 146 to 03.

Pokémon Crystal is the update to Pokémon Gold and Silver with a focus on Suicune and mobile phone stuff, the latter of which is exclusive to the Japanese version. This game has hidden development-related text. Also known as: Pokémon Version Cristal (FR), Pokémon Kristall-Edition (DE), Pokémon Edición Cristal (ES), Pokémon Versione Cristallo (IT), Pokémon Versão Crystal (BR), Pocket Monsters Crystal Version (JP)